Rain and wind attack the car as we drive toward Wellington from Martinborough. While there are dark clouds in several directions, we find ourselves in a patch of sunny though rainy weather. A bright rainbow appears to our left and eventually becomes a full arch. We actually get close enough to the end of it to give thought to looking for a pot of gold. It disappears quickly as clouds darken the sky and we begin to climb into the mountains we need to cross. What lies ahead with this wind that has already proven it can shake the car like crazy?
Winding roads with signs that warn of “slippery when wet”
and other signs that remind you that even in good weather the area can be windy
only cause Bob to white knuckle the steering wheel and me to silently say a
little prayer. We make it through and come out the other side to the same kind
of weather. I had hoped it would change once we were over the mountains.

Lady Garmon leads us to our motel for the night which sits
on a hill and overlooks the city. It would seem a nice view but not with
horizontal rain whipping across everything. The Capital View Motor Inn has seen
better days, I’m sure. We can tell by the lobby what to expect before even
getting to our room which is not ready for us yet. We leave the car in the
parking lot, bundle into our all-weather coats, and strike out for the
information center a few blocks away.
We just miss the hop-on hop-off bus that we had planned to
ride around. Another isn’t due for an hour and if we were to hop off anywhere,
we are told there would be an hour wait for the next one. In this rain? No way.
Instead we opt to hoof it to the cable car we wanted to ride which is about a
ten minute walk. Much of the way is under cover of awnings provided by the
shops, restaurants and businesses. The cable car ride up the mountainside is
nice. The car is reminiscent of the early 1900s when the trams and cable cars
were first built. A free museum at the top features several of the original
cars and a great history of cable cars and trams in all of New Zealand. We
enjoy a movie and the scenes depicted of the early 1900s.

After a nice sandwich of chicken, cranberry sauce, and brie
on a long roll along with a cup of tea, we take the cable car back down.
Originally we’d planned to walk down but I am afraid we might actually fly without
wings if we try to walk.
At the bottom we explore our options again and decide to
return to the Information Center and ride the bus around without getting off.
The loop is supposed to take two hours and by then our room should be ready.
When we go to get our tickets, we find that the bus is sold out. They try to
talk us into a tour that costs more and is longer and doesn’t leave for another
hour. Much as I don’t like museums, in weather like this and given the choice,
I opt for the free museum in town rather than an expensive bus ride in the rain.

A pizza and a short walk in the evening and we try to settle in for the night. The wind is absolutely howling around our corner room. The rain is heavier and beats against the window. Television is impossible to watch as it is satellite and the reception completely breaks down every couple of minutes. “Looks like we’re watching through a kaleidoscope,” Bob quips. We opt to play cards.

Bedtime and the wind is still howling but now we also have
ambulance or police or fire sirens on a regular basis. I suspect there’s a
hospital nearby or perhaps the wind has finally taken down some wires or trees
or something. It takes a long time but we eventually fall asleep and wake early
in the morning to find that the wind has taken a rest. The rain still falls but
not as bad. Perhaps there’s hope for a good ferry ride to the South Island this
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