Just outside of Dunedin is the Otago Peninsula. As we cross
the bridge to the peninsula, we turn to take the high road. It will lead to the
castle we want to see. We are early so we decide to follow the road out to a
track which we can walk to a lookout over Lover’s Leap—with absolutely no
intention of leaping.
The road we need to take to the track turns to gravel and as
we round a bend, we see a truck stopped alongside the road. A lady signals us
to stop. We see why ahead. There is a huge flock of sheep crossing the road and
heading to the farm buildings down the hill. Bob puts the window down and the
lady apologizes for the delay. We tell her it’s fine, we will enjoy the parade,
and I get out and take a few pictures. The farmer’s wife goes back to watching
to be sure that no strays try to wander up the road instead of off to be
sheared for the season.

At the parking area for the track, there is a sign
indicating that two of the tracks are closed due to lambing season. Now if you
are a city girl like me you might ask what is lambing season? Apparently the
farmers can control the time when the lambs will be born. I’m guessing that’s
got something to do with keeping males
and females separated until the appropriate time. When the ewes give birth, and
especially if it is to twins or triplets, they need time to bond with the
young. During that time if they are disturbed, they might reject their off
spring. To avoid unnecessary disturbance, the tracks through the fields of moms
and their young are closed for several weeks during that season.

The views are wonderful the higher we climb and we are
encouraged by them to make it to the top. On our way here, as we were driving
along, we had passed a jogger. Now as we look down at our car, we see him and
expect him to turn and head back as he comes to the end of the road. When I
look back again a few minutes later, I tell Bob I think that the jogger is coming
up. He shakes his head, disbelieving. No way, he says.

I’m excited about
seeing this castle. It has quite a history. William James Mudie Larnach was of Scottish
descent but came from Australia to New Zealand to take manage the Bank of Otago
in Dunedin when gold was discovered on the peninsula in 1867. He also built a
very profitable career that included farming, shipping, landholding, politics,
and speculation.

The building of the castle actually took place between 1873
and 1887 and Larnach dubbed it The Camp. He moved into it in 1874 while it was
being built and expanded. Supplies from all over the world were used to build
it and over 200 workmen had a hand in it. After Larnach's death the castle had various other uses including a retreat for nuns and an insane asylum. In 1967 it was purchased by Margaret and Barry Barker who over the years have lovingly restored it to its present beauty.

Back at ground level and outside, a large group on a tour of
various gardens floods the outdoor garden in front of the castle. Eventually
they thin out and begin to explore the several themed gardens that surround the
structure. We follow suit and begin to wander through the garden walks. Bob
finds a funky wishing well. I’m not sure it’s a period piece. I’m enjoying the
gardens but what I’m really doing is stalling so we can eat lunch here in the
café. Something called Kumara and apple soup caught our eye. We enquired as to
what Kumara is. Turns out it’s a sweet potato. Can’t pass that up. The soup is
every bit as good as I’d hoped, delicate and delicious. Okay, now I’m ready for
the rest of our day.
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