boarded the ship and took her welcome aboard drink from the server who was
decked out in bright feathers and kept squawking “hello.” Something seemed odd
about this cruise already but she just couldn’t put her finger on it.

She was appalled! They
were real animals! Some were hairy and loud. Some were rather large and clumsy.
Others, well, it was just not the kind of company she’d expected to have dinner
with in the dining room.
Noah sighed and took out the book she brought to read, found a deck chair and then
slathered on her sun block. She sat back and closed her eyes to enjoy a few
rays of sun only to be interrupted by her husband.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m relaxing a bit,” she told him.
“I think I’ve earned a little rest and relaxation after all this ship
“I think you’ll want to get your rain
gear out,” he told her.
“Rain gear? What are you talking
about? The sun’s out. I want to get a tan.”
Noah took her to the side railing.
“Honey, take a look out there. Do you see any water?”
Noah looked out on a dry sandy soil. There wasn’t even a backyard creek running
through the yard. Now she realized what had been bothering her. How do you
cruise on a ship when there’s no water?
kind of a ship is this if there’s no water to cruise on?” she asked Noah.
“It’s an ark. God’s gonna provide all
the water we need and we’re going to save all the animals of the world and have
a wonderful cruise as well. You did remember to bring your sense of adventure,
when anyone tells you to bring your sense of adventure on a trip, you know
you’re in for an unusual adventure. Trust me on this. That’s what our cruise
company told us when we were going to China. It truly was a unique adventure. ]
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